The Nurdle Hurdle: Tackling the Global Challenge of Plastic Pellets
Started in the 1990s by the Plastics Industry Association, Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) is an environmental stewardship program for companies, focused on preventing plastic resin pellets, flake and dust from being released into the environment. These pellets are used to manufacture countless products that make modern life safer and more comfortable.
By now pretty much everyone is aware of the massive global problem of plastic pollution, micro plastics, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and the environmental effects caused by all of this. Most people would, understandably, attribute it to plastics that end up in landfills, etc. after they are used. What the general public might not immediately think of, is the equally massive amount of source material that goes into all of these plastic goods. This is where OCS comes in.
According to the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and the U.S. International Trade Commission, in 2019, about 120 billion pounds, or approximately 54.4 million metric tons of plastic resin was used by the U.S. alone. For context, this amount is equivalent to approximately 9.07 million elephants, which standing trunk to tail, is enough to form a line around the equator with plenty of elephants to spare.
That is a truly staggering amount, before even considering the rest of the world’s output. On top of that, use of resin in manufacturing often produces byproducts like plastic shavings, flakes, and dust. The sheer quantity being transported or handled at any moment creates countless opportunities for pellet loss to occur.
The good news is that this huge amount of material ends up in relatively few hands compared to consumer products. This makes it much easier to implement measures such as use of containment trays, and specialized components that can have a significant impact when implemented on a broad scale.
What concrete steps can companies take to prevent plastic resin pollution in the first place?
As a starting point, the OCS website,, provides various resources for the plastics industry and its partners to help prevent plastic pellet, flake, and powder loss. For instance, the OCS Program Manual offers detailed guidance, procedures and best practices companies can implement which will keep their plastics out of the environment, while improving worker safety and ultimately saving money.
Make it official by taking the “Pledge to Prevent Resin Pellet, Flake and Powder Loss” for your company, and become an official OCS Partner. In return, your company will receive a certificate for each facility participating in the program, which can be displayed to celebrate your company’s commitment to zero plastic resin loss.
And while pledges, checklists, and manuals are very effective tools for communication, successfully preventing plastic pollution depends on individuals at every link in the supply chain each doing their part. But by raising awareness, offering real solutions and expert guidance, our industry and its partners can help ensure our plastics do not end up in the environment.
The team at Salco Products is proud to share our ongoing support for Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS) as a contributing member, and offers a range of equipment made specifically for the safe handling of plastic resins during transit, transloading, and unloading. Let us help you be a part of the solution.